Friday, June 27, 2008

Workshop DAY1 紀錄


Goal of learning..

Overview of the workshop

Day 1, basic theory
One example case
Making tookkit
Trying it out with people

Day 2,
Present findings

第一活動‭ ‬
STEP 1‭.‬Make a collage‭,‬
‭.‬About‭ ‬“How I got here”
‭.Reflect on your experience and memories
‭.There is no right or wrong way‭ ‬
it’s your experience that‭ ‬counts
‭.You may use the toolkit in any way you want‭, ‬add to it‭, ‬change it‭..‬
Please finish in 10‭ ‬minutes

與課者成為user‭, ‬主是為我如何到達這裡‭,‬而教授為研究者‭,‬並發下材料讓與課者在十分鐘內將自己今天到達會場的方式用剪貼方式貼以及畫圖等方式紀錄在準備好的紙上‭.‬

Step 2.
Talk to a stranger, 
.Please find a person that you do not know yet
.Introduce yourselves, and exchange collages.
.You interview him/her, the s/he interviews you.

Please finish in 2*5 mins

教授指導下步為找個室內不認識的人把自己在卡上的事情與另個人分享並介紹過和‭,‬而這部份時間為五分鐘‭,‬之後再交換卡片並向對方介紹他本人‭, ‬這部份也為五分鐘‭,‬所以此部份小組討論為十分鐘‭. ‬

3‭. ‬Reflect
‭.‬what happened‭?‬
How‭ (‬much‭) ‬did you learn about the other person‭?‬
‭.‬what surprised you‭?‬

10分後‭,‬教授提‭ ‬到‭ ‬在過程各為‭ ‬發‭ ‬現了什麼驚奇‭ ‬的事‭ ,‬並請同學發表及分享自己卡上的故事‭,‬並問之前相互討論同學的故事‭, ‬並針對卡上的圖像特色做進一步的‭ ‬了解其紀述的動機‭. ‬而同學也熱情地分享自己的故事‭.‬

教授在聽完故事‭ ‬後‭,‬在短時間內了解在來的‭ ‬路上各種人在這過程中的‭ ‬感受‭,‬並且發‭ ‬現每個人用不同的‭ ‬方式表達‭.‬而‭ ‬當‭ ‬我們再次看到卡上的‭ ‬資訊‭ ‬加上各自的敘述可以了解其中的故事‭..‬
而之後教‭ ‬授問了誰用了”時鐘”在卡上‭,‬代表時間外‭,‬有無其它的‭ ‬情境‭,‬而教授並問到有無同學‭ ‬回答了壓力‭,‬因為在日本有很多的上班族將時鐘代表了壓力‭. ‬另外誰用了orange‭,‬而在英國‭ ‬有很多人用了‭ ‬orange‭,‬而現場只有一位同學選了orange‭..‬另外有無同學自己用畫的方式代表自己的經‭ ‬驗‭,‬而不用現成的圖片‭,‬而‭ ‬通常‭ ‬這代表了其所‭ ‬畫‭ ‬的圖具有相當‭ ‬的意義‭,‬

4‭. ‬what we expected‭.‬
在第四部份‭,‬教‭ 授‭對‭ ‬collage部份分析了其中可貴‭ ‬的‭ ‬部份尤其是與受測‭ ‬者建立了情感部分‭.‬

Making your own collage‭:‬
It takes time to start reflection
Triggers give handles express yourself
Triggers are ambiguous‭:‬
You give your own‭ ‬interpretation
Brings out personal anecdotes and concerns

What you learned from others

Some people used only words
Other people used only images
This and the way they talk‭,‬
How they refer to culture‭ , ‬to values

Elicit discussion

Goal of toolkit

Put users in the position of expert of their experiences‭()‬
Commuters‭, ‬museum‭ & ‬leisure‭ (‬short student interview toolkits‭)‬
Liz Sanders/Pieter Jan Stappers

Choosing the topics‭, ‬and interview and report the feedback‭.‬

案例‭ 通勤者
使‭用可重覆利用之材料‭,‬最後並清點那個重覆選出的圖像‭. ‬而相同的禁止吸煙的圖有不同的‭ ‬情境‭,‬一半是放鬆‭,‬一半是壓力因為是吸煙人口‭.‬

案例‭ ‬休閒‭ ‬

讓受測者在選圖及做答過程相互認識‭ ‬更深‭ ‬入‭.‬而圖片的準備可以天馬行‭ ‬空‭,‬也可以給受測都發‭ ‬揮‭,‬不一定要做‭ ‬成貼紙方式‭.‬

Making contact with uers‭.‬

‭.‬Who to involve and how to approach them‭?‬
How to ask the right questions‭?‬
How to help your users to get started‭?‬

Help them to get started‭:‬
Provide a grid‭.‬

Tips on using the toolkit with people
‭.‬provide them with ownership‭. ‬
‭.‬Say‭ ‬“We want to learn from you”
‭.Say explicit to your participants‭: ‬“You are the expert of your won experiences‭, ‬plaes do it your way”
‭.‬Continue asking for explanation
Ask open questions
‭.‬Continue on their answers

The experience of giving a gift to a friend‭.‬
Research for company C‭, ‬who have been making functional household products‭.‬
‭.‬Users buy the products only for themselves‭.‬
‭.‬Company C now wants tits products to be bought more as gifts for others
‭.‬they hire your team to help them understand what‭ ‬“giving gifts”‭ ‬means to people‭.‬
‭.‬Topic‭: ‬“Giving a present to a friend”

Our Mindmap‭.. ‬
Make your own map‭. ‬
今早工作就‭ ‬是建立自己的‭ ‬mindmap‭. ‬以小組方式討論進行‭.‬而明天要發表‭,‬而早上可以小組討論‭ ‬要做‭ ‬的主題‭ ,‬下午可以分組進‭ ‬行甚至去找受測者進行‭.‬

分組過程中‭,‬各小組分別分區進行討論‭,‬而主題‭ ‬是”送禮主題‭ ‬進行延申討論‭.‬並選擇所需要的調‭ ‬查材料toolkit‭.‬過程中教授與助教們也分別到不同小組去了解各組進‭ ‬行‭ ‬之情形並給予不同之意見並且再次用各組的主題進行不同的指導‭.‬尤其在於過去受訪者的經驗了解其當時之動機以及當時情境‭,‬再從所找出的答案去了解受測者所選擇之素材的因素‭,‬進而再去問受測者現在以及未來的相關問題‭,‬去了解其本來所送禮之對象之情境‭.‬

而在所有材料準備好後‭,‬並找別組同學做‭ ‬前測‭,‬看是否在問卷設計上有無問題以及執行上可能會出現的問題‭ .‬並針對前測的過程調整內容‭.‬
而討論中各組展開腦力激盪和不同另類和創意的想法‭,‬而來自印度的同學更覺得討論的安排將不同背景的人安排一起‭,‬這樣產生出更多的火花以及了解不同學習背景人的想法‭. ‬

在此同時‭,‬各組並選出一位blogger人員將自己組的討論紀錄下來‭,‬讓討論‭ ‬過程更為詳細‭,‬使其它組員和參與的同學能夠了解其它組別的進行‭ ‬過程‭.‬

9am discuss result
10am‭, ‬upload your powerpoint/paper

2‭. ‬toolkits‭ & ‬participants
3‭.‬findings on topic
4‭.‬findings on process


‭.‬Pilot test here before you go out
‭.‬how many people to interview
‭.‬each group member‭ ‬does one interview with one other group member taking notes‭.‬
‭.‬Group may split up into 2‭ ‬teams to do the i\interviews‭.‬

TOMORROW‭. ‬9-10am come back‭, ‬
‭.‬finding and make presentation‭.‬
.‬topics‭, ‬toolkit and user
‭.‬finding about the topic
‭.‬learning about the method
‭.‬what went good/what went bad

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